Water Authority – Cayman announces an increase in the rates for water, sewerage and septage services. The increase of 1.46% is effective as of 1 July, and customers will see the rate adjustment reflected on their July bill, which will be posted at the end of this month.
OfReg, the regulator of the Energy & Utilities sector in the Cayman Islands, approved the rate adjustment and announced it on their website on 24 July 2019.
Under the adjusted rate structure, the fee for the first 12 cubic metres (m3) consumed each month, which is equivalent to approximately 3,200 US gallons, will increase by 7¢ per m3, from CI$4.49 to CI$4.56, and 8¢, from CI$5.71 to CI$5.79, on each m3 thereafter. In Cayman Brac, residential piped water customers will see an increase of 9¢, from CI$6.12 to CI$6.21, on each m3 and trucked water customers will see an increase of 11¢, from CI$7.66 to CI$7.77, on each m3.
Sewerage rates are based on the assessed Sewerage Fixture Units (SFUs) for the service location in question and are calculated at a constant rate. This rate has increased from CI$1.648 to CI$1.672. The rate for septage disposal charged to septage truckers has increased from CI$16.773 per 1,000 US gallons to CI$17.018.
Director of the Water Authority Dr Gelia Frederick-van Genderen explains that the rate adjustment is necessary for continued investment in the Authority’s water and wastewater infrastructure.
“The country is growing and developing at a rapid pace, and the Authority needs to ensure we not only keep up but also plan and build with the future in mind. The rate adjustment is necessary to invest in our infrastructure to ensure proper and adequate operations in the years to come,” notes Dr Fredereick-van Genderen. “Keeping tap water affordable is part of the Authority’s mission, and even with this increase the water we provide is still less than 3¢ per gallon,” she adds.
The Authority’s tap water is held to rigorous quality control guidelines and exceeds the guidelines set by the World Health Organization for drinking water quality. The Authority’s internationally-accredited laboratory conducts more than 45,000 sample tests every year to ensure that the tap water in the Cayman Islands is safe to drink.
“We understand that rate increases are not something customers welcome, however, we encourage our customers to be aware of their consumption patterns and monitor their usage closely to manage their expenses and catch leaks early,” explains Dr Frederick-van Genderen.
The Authority’s website contains a variety of resources to help customers understand their bills, reading their water meters, and conserve water by reducing water use through smart home and landscaping habits. In addition, water-saving showerheads and faucet aerators are available free of charge at the Authority’s headquarters.