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Sanitation During and After a Hurricane

Sanitation During and After a Hurricane
01 July, 2024
Edlyn Ruiz Stoll 949-2837

The Water Authority would like to urge the general public to have adequate quantities of potable water. They should also have a sufficient supply of water to flush their toilets if there is an interruption in the piped water supply.

Water can be stored in buckets for non-potable use, should piped water not be available. To conserve water, remember to only flush solid waste by pouring water into the tank.

In case you run out of non-potable water prior to the restoration of piped water, be prepared to safely dispose of human wastes, especially Number 2. Proper disposal of personal waste is very important in order to minimize public health hazards. Using basic materials, suitable temporary disposal may be accomplished by placing waste in a watertight plastic bag and securely closing the bag. Collect and store all such bags in a large, sturdy garbage bag in a safe and restricted area until DEH can collect it.