If you are not satisfied with our response to your request for information, you are entitled to an internal review under the Freedom of Information Law.
Under section 33 of the FOI Law, you may request an Intern Review of the decision made on an FOI request if:
a) You were refused access;
b) You were granted partial access to the requested record
c) Your request was deferred;
d) Your request to amend or annotate an official document containing personal information was refused; or,
e) A fee was charged for action taken or if you disagree with the amount of fee charged, and that decision was made by a person other than the responsible minister, chief officer or principal officer of the public authority.
An application for an internal review must be made within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the authority’s decision.
An application for an internal review should be submitted in writing by post or e-mail to the Information Manager at the contact below. The application for internal review should include your name, address, telephone number and the reference number of your FOI request. Please explain why you would like us to review our original response.
Wendy Whittaker
P.O. Box 1104 Tel: (345) 949-2837 Ext 2013
Grand Cayman KY1-1102 Fax: (345) 949-0094
CAYMAN ISLANDS Email: foi@waterauthority.ky
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review of our decision, or an internal review was not available, you can seek an appeal from The Office of the Ombudsman.
Your request for an appeal with the Ombudsman needs to be in writing. When you make an appeal you will be asked for copies of the following documentation: