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Request A Donation/Sponsorship

Giving Back to our community is a central value to the Water Authority, and the Authority supports a wide range of organisations and causes each year.

The Sponsorship Assessment Sub-Committee (SAS) of the Water Authority Board meets monthly to review sponsorship requests.

Please review the below request process for guidance and applying for a donation/sponsorship from the Water Authority.

Sponsorship Request Process

Sponsorship requests must come in the form of a letter/email addressed to the Board and sent to email: sponsorships@waterauthority.ky

Required documents to attach to letter/email:

  • NPO less than 1 year – Copy of NPO Certificate.
  • NPO over 1 year – Copy of Certificate of Good Standing or General Registry stamped copy of Annual Returns.

You will receive a response acknowledging receipt of the request.

Once your request is reviewed, if additional information is required, we will contact you.

Guidance and Eligibility

As a Government Statutory Authority, WAC is only able to sponsor Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) ( i.e., no individual requests).

The timing of the submission for a request is critical, and the below table should be referred to.

Sponsorship Request Received By Decision Communicated By
31 December 31 January
31 January 28/29 February
28/29 February 31 March
31 March 30 April
30 April 31 May
31 May 30 June
30 June 31 August
31 August 30 September
30 September 31 October
31 October 30 November
30 November 31 December