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Publication Scheme Documents

Publication Scheme Documents

The Water Authority is committed to maintaining a publication scheme in accordance with section 5 of the FOI Law.  The main purpose of the publication scheme is to make information readily available without the need for specific written requests.  This website constitutes the e-publication scheme of the Water Authority in compliance with the FOI Law.

Click here to download the Water Authority - Cayman Publication Scheme.

The information that has been pro-actively published by the Water Authority includes:

  • The functions of the Authority, its work and how it accomplishes its tasks (see About WAC).
  • The departments within the Authority and the subjects they handle (see Corporate Profile).
  • The title of the principal officer and other key officers of the Authority, and their business addresses (see Management Team and Contact Us).
  • The classes of records held by the Water Authority.

Please check our classes of information, disclosure log and document library to see if the information you need is already available.


Types of information available and where to find it.


FOI requests & responses.


Listing of published documents.