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Operator Certification

Operator Certification

The Water Authority provides relevant staff the opportunity to obtain operator certification in various water and wastewater management and laboratory analysis areas. The certification is issued by the Water Professional International (WPI/ABC), formerly Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) in association with the Caribbean Water & Sewerage Association Inc (CAWASA), which administers the certification pgoramme to its member countries in the Caribbean. WPI/ABC is an association of certifying bodies throughout the United States and Canada that provide reliable examinations based on nationally recognized criteria for water and wastewater industries. The WPI/ABC certification has reciprocity throughout the United States and Canada, therefore certified operators can operate throughout North America and other participating regions without retesting or reapplying for certification.

In an effort to ensure a high success rate in the certification exams, the Water Authority provides staff the opportunity to participate in the California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) self study programme. The Office of Water Programs at CSUS provides courses for certification candidates to process and learn certification material in a timely, yet self-paced manner. Participating staff members are guided through study materials, have opportunities to test their understanding of the materials, are provided answers to questions and given feedback on assignments and tests.

The Water Authority also provides hands-on practical training in various subject areas to participating staff members in addition to remedial tutoring in basic math and English where necessary.

Staff are able to obtain WPI/ABC certifications up to maximum levels in the following categories:

  • Water Treatment
  • Water Distribution
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Wastewater Collection
  • Very Small Water System
  • Water Laboratory Analyst
  • Wastewater Laboratory Analyst