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Effluent Disposal Well Specifications

Effluent Disposal Well Specifications

Effluent disposal wells need to be constructed in such a manner that treated effluent does not affect public health and minimizes the impact of effluent on the environment.

Effluent may contain pathogens; therefore effluent disposal wells are designed and constructed to protect the public from direct contact with effluent, as well as to minimize impacts on the quality of fresh water lenses, surface water and the marine environment.

Water Authority provides specifications and minimum requirements for the installation of effluent disposal wells. Alternative methods or variation from these specifications shall be submitted in writing and approved in writing by the Water Authority prior to well construction.

The construction and installation of effluent disposal wells shall be carried out by a well driller holding a current well driller’s licence issued under Part VIII of the Water Authority Law (2011 Revision).

The Water Authority may modify and update, as it deems fit, the effluent disposal well specifications. In the event the Water Authority modifies or updates the effluent disposal well specifications, the well drillers shall be provided with reasonable notice before the modified or updated effluent disposal well specifications are implemented.



Updated February 2021.